A while back I went to Ikea and spent a marathon 6 hours there!!! looking round drinking tea, knitting and repeating with my good friend from Fantasia photography. and I saw this
isn't it just drool worthy?????
well in reality this is what I got, (unfortunately I'm not a world famous designer that makes heaps of cash to buy such beauty.)
last month was looking the heaps of posts in freecycle and there was a post for a desk and some units. I emailed them back asking I was really interested in them but would it be possible for them to deliver it as I don't drive, the emailed back saying no. I thanked them and left it at that. well yesterday I got an email saying the items were still available and they would deliver them if I still wanted them. of course I said YES!! she messaged me back asking for my number and address and that she would contact me once she had had a chance to talk to her husband and schedule a delivery time. 2 hours later I got a call saying they could deliver it at 7pm that evening, great. only then after hanging up I realised I had a desk and book cases in the place where the one to be delivered had to go, and said desk and units would be here in under 2 hours!!! so off I rush to sort out my so called office space and just as I was getting the old desk out of the room there was a knock at the door
and this is what was delivered

along with what I can only describe as a pile of planks!!!
well after some false starts and swapping bits over I finally got this

It may be a little out of alignment, and the pieces not quite flush, handles need replacing and theu unit will probably get a lick of paint but I'm pleased
This may not be my totally dream office space but its pretty close and didn't cost me a penny!!!!
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